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April 09, 2009


Jenn Embry

Oh my gosh! Those are so cute. I don't know how you manage to come up with these ideas. My brain just doesn't work like that - I wish it did though. ;) Great job. Thanks for taking the time to post a tutorial.


Thank you for sharing your sweet bunnies!Brilliant!!!Happy Easter!

Karen from Ontario

Thanks for showing how to make those cute bunnies. I have been seeing a lot lately but your are right up there in cuteness....

Tina H.

Soooo cute! :")

Mel M. M. M.

Oh man oh man! This is cute overload. I am in love with that little face & the way you put it all together is sheer brilliance! :O)

Sherry D

I was just looking through your blog again and had to take a little moment to comment on these adorable little guys! I lovelovelove them all, they are all so very different yet so darn cute!!


Just what I was looking for for my great-niece's first birthday! Thank you.
Sue x

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