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September 22, 2009



Thank you so much for sharing this and for your honesty. I appreciate it. I'm sorry for your loss. My daughter's accompanist just lost her husband. He was only 42 years old, and died of a heartache. He left behind 2 children in middle school. I know, it makes so sense to see people leave this earth so early.


I just noticed I mispelled Heart Attack. He died of a heart attack, not a heartache.

Erin G

OH Sue,

I am sooo soorrry for your loss. I know that it right now you probably are mad at the world and universe. Take whatever time you need to mourn and heal and don't worry about your blog or answering emails until you are ready. Know that we are sending out prayers for you and Greg.

Love and great big HUGS,



I think Erin summed it up pretty well .. do only what you need to do and leave the blog and emails until you have the inclination to go there. What you're going through is way more important than the blog!

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