My default programming needs to be reset: I've been running for years on "When I (fill in task or deadline here), then I can (fill in what I'd rather be doing here)". Know what I have to show for it? A string of frantic, frenzied tasks and not a lot of actual living...
This morning it occurred to me that if I want to live my life with purpose and intention, then each task that makes up that life needs to be approached with purpose and intention. Each moment brings the opportunity to appreciate something with any/all of our senses. The "mundane" is so only because I label it as such. If I slow down - just a bit - to put myself fully in the moment, the moments will become much more satisfying, I'm thinking.
I'm also aware that the Law of Attraction comes into play here. If I want the (what I'd rather be doing) to materialize, I need to think of it in the present tense, not the future. Thinking of it as a future event keeps it always in the future. I'll have to do some pondering on that one to see how to switch it up - further bulletins as events warrant...
Today, though, I'm re-writing just a bit: "Make time" will no longer be an idle phrase in my life. Instead, it will be "MAKE the most of the TIME you have"!
Love this idea--and for this year, crafting will be one of those things that will deserve time in my life. Thanks for always being so inspiring in your posts.
Posted by: Linda | January 09, 2011 at 03:30 PM