Funny how we always learn the most in uncomfortable situations, isn't it? Well, maybe it would be more accurate to say from uncomfortable situations than in them. After we pass through whatever the event or circumstance might be, we usually have 20/20 hindsight from which to view and learn...
The past month - and, more especially, the past week - have taught me much. I have had multiple paradigm shifts, and have now arrived at a place of relative peace and calm. Along the way, I've had anger, frustration, despair, resentment, grief - you name it, it came a-callin'!
What I've now realized is that I was giving my power away. NOBODY has the power to "make" me feel ANYTHING, unless I give that power to them. I am the master of my emotions - I get to choose how/what I feel in any given situation!
I was choosing to come from a rational, logical, "this-is-the-way-the-world-should-work" place, which only led to frustration and anger, since I was dealing with circumstances that defy logic. When I chose to shift to a stance that allowed for empathy, perhaps even pity, my emotional charges diffused and I could move into calm.
Will I still have many, many chances to test my theory and my resolve? I'm quite sure the answer is yes. Do I plan to circle back around to calm as quickly as possible? Absolutely!
Keep calm, and carry on...
I can only PARTLY agree with you. Sometimes people are SO frustrating you can't help yourself .. thank goodness Tide leaves no trace of blood stains .. just kidding!!!!
Posted by: Debra | August 04, 2011 at 06:59 PM