Good morning, all! I still consider myself pretty high up the heirarchy of CHEAP royalty. Case in point: some of the ways I add decor to my home. Today's post features ways to decorate walls for next to nothing. First up, this is what I have above the buffet in my dining area:
Here's a closeup of one of the pics:
All four of them cost a whopping $2.00! I got the frames on clearance for 50 cents apiece, and the "art" is sections cut from this wallpaper border that I've had for a few centuries now:
Cut a section, stick it in the frame, repeat three more times, hang them all up - done!
On a shelf in my bathroom, we have this:
See that teeny-tiny frame on the teeny-tiny easel (which was a garage-sale find)? I have a stack of Hallmark cards from "back in the day" that were watercolors by Marjolein Bastin. The envelopes were decorated to match the cards. That little bit of artwork in that little frame was cut from one of the envelopes. I also use greeting cards themselves, sometimes:
The companion for this picture is a mix-up, collage-y type affair:
Some pretty silky fabric, a doily (one that my grandmother made), an ancient spoon (tarnish and all), some dried rosebuds, sheer ribbon and - you guessed it - a note card! All found around my house for free...
We're turning our recently-finished basement into a music room of sorts (Greg just bought some drums and my bass guitar will now have a home more suitable than the guest room closet). It's not a man-cave, exactly, but the decor is definitely not "foofy". The way to go here? Got any t-shirts from concerts or reunions or schools or whatever that you don't wear but don't want to trash? Me, too! I wrapped them around frames and pinned them in the back and hung them on the wall:
Greg's band used to play a lot of bike events and bars, so we've got a few shirts hanging around. Quite a few pins from different rides, too. I added those to fill up the expanse of black on the "Bikers for Bones" (Arthritis Foundation) shirt:
Take a look around your space and see what you can use to decorate without breaking the bank. I'll bet you have more than you think! Just think outside the box a bit and get creative...
That's it for today - thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!