We finished our five-week push to fix up the fixer-upper that Greg's daughter bought so she could move in, so now we're working on our own abode. We have a gravel area in front of our deck/porch that I always add some color to in the summertime.
Last year I found a baby buggy frame at a resale shop for CHEAP and hung some baskets from it, but I didn't really like the way it looked, so I wanted to find a better way to put flowers in my buggy. I looked around my space and found a vintage picnic basket that I found at a yard sale a few years ago:
It's not a perfect fit, but I pretty much don't care. Yes, the basket is cute, and it would be pleasant and romantic to load up a picnic lunch and go someplace pleasant and romantic to eat it, but Greg and I are not that couple. This basket has been languishing in my attic since I bought it, so why not use it some other way?
I took the lid off, drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage:
and wired the handles to the buggy frame:
Then I filled it up with potting soil and a geranium (which came as a hanging basket - nice and full) and put it in place. I put some yellow flowers in a watering can my friend Della gifted me to create a little vignette. Here it is again:
We (obviously) need to clean and stain the porch/deck, and I'm noticing that Greg put the "welcome" sign in crooked. I think it's where it is because there's a clematis trying to grow up in that corner, and he's trying to provide support for it, but I think I need to straighten it out a bit :)
Okay - hi ho,hi ho, it's off to work I go! Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by!
A-dorable! I love it.. it's such a nice touch of color in that area, and very sweet.. I agree on the packing a picnic basket would be a wonderful idea but if your not that couple than this is the perfect way to enjoy those beautiful flowers! I love the addition of the watering can and those flowers are so pretty, and I love that they seem to want to drop instead of just standing upright.. You are so good at setting up little vignettes so I think you need to come over here and show me some tricks! lol!
Posted by: Sherry D | May 29, 2014 at 01:57 PM