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January 06, 2015



What fabulous wrapping paper. You've created an absolutely gorgeous card with it! I love the traditional colors.


Welcome back, girlfriend! ☺I love this card! It is perfect for the Start of a new year, annnd it is my "word" for the year, Peace. Seek peace, find peace, spread peace.

I, too, am considering rejoining the blogging world.

Looking forward to hearing more from you!




Welcome back! It's been awhile but so nice to see your post in my inbox this morning! You're off to a great start with this card. Hope everything is going well for you!

leslie (crookedstamper)

Welcome back! And remember: it's YOUR blog, and there are no rules. Post when the urge strikes, and when you do, you'll pop into my feed. Good seeing you!


Your card is very striking. Love the colours and design. Congrats on getting off to an early start with your Christmas cards!
Shanna :)

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