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March 21, 2015



Absolutely love the contact idea! I should try this.....see once again I will be re-organizing!! I'm the same Sue from the thread on SCS...heehee. Anyway loved your little pictorial tour! Lots of nice ideas but the best for me was the contact paper. Gotta go get contact paper now! LOL

Aileen Ryan

Wow what awonderful collection and all so well organised. When can you pop over and do mine?? Your in inspiration.


Yor are an inspiration :)
Thank you so much for the great ideas you gave me!
Warm Wishes, Conny

Jenn Embry

Wow! Amazing what you have done with such a small space. We moved to Wisconsin last Fall. We downsized from a 6/3 house to a 2/2 apartment. My craft room has dwindled to one wall of the dining room. I feel your pain! I haven't been commenting lately, but I've been enjoying your posts and am glad you're back to blogging. <3


Incredible use of space!
Thank you for sharing your organisational skills and for using our product.

Warm regards,

Dymo Customer Service

Barb in kazoo

Wonderful use of space. Thanks for sharing


Love it! So glad I finally stumbled across this!

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