Lately I have been involved in discussions regarding self will and asserting it - or not. The contention is that our will is selfish and not a reliable guide, so surrendering to a higher power is the answer.
That's good as far as it goes, but here's the rub: if you are asking said higher power for guidance, then you need to be open to and aware of the various ways that this guidance shows up. Intuition - literally "taught from within" - is, I believe, one of those ways. If we confuse intuition with self will - with letting the Ego take over - then we risk denying ourselves a very vital tool.
Thinking that we have to surrender our will and trust that things will "go the way they're supposed to", that however things play out is "God's will" or whatever, without our very active - even proactive - participation, is an abdication of responsibility.
Did your higher power not give you tools that you are expected to use? Do you not have a "still, small voice" and a mind capable of processing the options available, guided by that?
Certainly we need to let go of attachments to outcomes - not let ourselves get thrown off course because it doesn't look like we expected it to - but throwing our hands in the air is exactly the same thing as throwing in the towel.
GPS is helpful in directing your route, but it only works when you're in motion, which means that you have to be an active participant in the process...
Great thoughts and I printed it out to stick in my Bible.
Posted by: Cindy Littler | March 02, 2017 at 06:40 AM