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April 26, 2017



Thanks so much for the letting us know! There are several things I'm going to have to figure out how to save. You really come up with some great ideas sometimes! Now I just have to remember to do it when I'm not so sleepy! Thanks for all the great info and fun, and hope to read you some time on Split Coast Stampers( that's how I found your blog originally).

Jeanne H

I'll be watching for you on Splitcoast too and hope you continue to post thoughts about crafting there. Best wishes for what ever you do!

Lu C

I will miss your writing. You often have had a way of making me take another look at something. A good life is never stagnate, so change happens. Go forth and be happy!


Oh no! I'll really miss you! Can you send me an email once in awhile??? Thanks for all the interesting stuff you have posted - have enjoyed your blog! Hugs!

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